Did you know that a man named Joseph Pilates created this exercise discipline?

In a word, Joseph Pilates was brilliant. His story is an amazing one, and you can access more information about the man by clicking here.

What I am more interested in talking about is why more and more men are discovering the benefits of Pilates.  This is truly one of the fastest growing demographics at Pilates 1901 and we wanted to share why.

Maybe it’s because more and more professional athletes are incorporating Pilates as a part of their training regime. The benefits of Pilates, increasing mind-body connection, movement efficiency, core and dynamic strength, flexibility and balance all help keep athletes in prime condition and prevent injury.


Master Trainers Tina Sprinkle and Lisa Looy will lead the workout together. They’re eager to share the results they’ve seen with their males clients at Pilates 1901.

We’re helping our male clients reduce back pain, neck pain, inflexibility and recovery time. As a result, they’re finding they can swing the club further, ride the bike longer and enjoy doing the activities they love to do without injury.

The proof is in the results and the fact that they keep coming

Our Brolates Workout is half Pilates on the Reformer and half in the Inversion Therapy Hammock.  It’s Free for 1901 Clients and their Guests, but reservations are required.  You may reserve your spot via mind body (just click on the Brolates class sign up) or email us and we can reserve for you.

It’s going to be fun!

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